Recovery Dharma offers an approach to recovery based on Buddhist principles but anyone from any religion (or no religion) can attend. Scroll to the bottom to try a Recovery Dharma basic meditation for body sensations; see how you feel!

By holding space for women (cis/trans) and non-binary members of our community, we aim to cultivate a path toward peace surrounded by the safety of one another through our shared stories of hope.

  • Who Attends: We work with women (cis/trans) and non-binary people struggling with substance use disorders, sex and love addiction, compulsive gambling and shopping, eating disorders, and more.
  • Who Leads: Rachel Allen,
  • Why: Discover support, unity, and resources
  • What To Expect: We start each meeting with a 15-20 minute meditation, followed by an open discussion. Our group is inclusive, free of judgment, and a safe space for anyone in our community.
  • When: Sundays at 12:30 pm (beginning July 23)
  • Where: 217 Lucas St., Suite G, Mt. Pleasant, SC, 29464 (WakeUp Carolina’s Office)

It is a renunciation-based program, meaning we reject the things previously enjoyed or endorsed in our addictions— whatever they may be. Anything that creates craving may in turn cause suffering. We offer a path free of such suffering. Here’s a short overview of the Practice:


We commit to the intention of abstinence from alcohol and other addictive substances and behaviors.


We commit to the intention of developing a daily meditation practice.


We attend recovery meetings and commit to becoming an active part of the community, offering our own experiences and service wherever possible.

The Path

We commit to deepening our understanding of the Four Noble Truths and to practicing the Eightfold Path in our daily lives.

Inquiry and Investigation

We explore the Four Noble Truths relating to our addictive behavior through writing and sharing in-depth, detailed Inquiries.

Sangha, Wise Friends, Mentors

We cultivate relationships within a recovery community, to both support our own recovery and support the recovery of others.


We continue our study of these Buddhist principles and undertake a lifelong journey of growth and awakening.

“May you be happy.
May you be at ease.
May you be free from suffering.”