HIV/HCV Testing and Linkage to Care

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Harm Reduction Project

Expanding HIV/HCV Testing Access

The State of South Carolina ranks 9th nationwide for the highest rates of HIV according to, which equates to 14.1 per 100,000 positive HIV tests within our state.

Making rapid HIV/HCV testing available outside of a traditional medical facility will increase access to testing services and, subsequently, increase linkage to specialty care for those newly diagnosed with HIV and curative treatment for those newly diagnosed with HCV in South Carolina. Additionally, by helping individuals become aware of their infectious disease status and linking them to care, they will be engaged in services that include risk-reduction education and can gain awareness of effective risk-reduction strategies to prevent the transmission of HIV and HCV to their sexual and/or drug-using

For those individuals living with HIV who have been out of care, perhaps due to a substance use disorder or homelessness, this project will support their re-engagement in care. For individuals who have been previously diagnosed with HCV but have yet to engage in curative treatment, this project will support that linkage to treatment.

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