Unity Recovery (Philadelphia)
All Recovery meetings are positive, non-denominational mutual aid meetings open to anyone. The meetings will be held on zoom and available to anyone to attend. You can join any day of the week at 9AM, 12PM, 3PM, and 9PM EST at https://unityrecovery.zoom.us/my/allrecovery.
In The Rooms Meetings
In the Rooms is a global online recovery platform that hosts a wide variety of live recovery meetings. They have several fellowships of 12-step including AA, NA, Codependency Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, and Marijuana Anonymous. They also offer weekly She Recovers meetings, LifeRing, Women in Recovery, Recovery Dharma, Trauma and Recovery, Soul Recovery, and Life Recovery (Christian-based) meetings. Plus they just created a Coronavirus support meeting to deal with the stress surrounding the virus.
Laura McKowen
Laura is providing free virtual sobriety support meetings several times a week during our social distancing time. Register on her website https://laura-mckowen.mykajabi.com/virtual-sobriety-meetings-with-laura.
Carly Benson
Carly has created FREE Virtual Gatherings & Meditations During Social Distancing For Sober Peeps, also known as, THE Hangover Free Club! This is the place to be for sober peeps who are looking for a connection. These online gatherings are for people who are already sober and want help in maintaining their sobriety. They are open to women and men of all ages. 30 days sobriety is required. Register here http://www.miraclesarebrewing.com/hangover-free-club-offer/.
Virtual Bridge Club by The Tempest
Bridge Club is a virtual, community-led support group currently open to any individuals who are interested in sobriety and follow the group guidelines. Their mission is to empower individuals seeking connections to find and build meaningful relationships that support a sober lifestyle. Sign up for Bridge Club here https://www.jointempest.co/bridge-club.
The Alcohol Experiment Community
You can join Annie Grace’s 30-day Alcohol Experiment which now has over 110,000 users for free by signing up here https://learn.thisnakedmind.com/the-alcohol-experiment-registration as well as join its accompanying Facebook group for support.
LGBT Teetotalers Face to Face
LGBT Teetotalers Face to Face are recurring social/support calls for folks who are queer, trans or questioning and sober, sober curious, or in any kind of recovery. These are not recovery meetings, they’re a space for people to get together, socialize, and support each other with other people who understand their experiences. Tracy Murphy has added additional dates and times for these calls due to Covid-19. Sign up https://support.therapytribe.com/lgbt-support-group/.
Sober Señorita Free Facebook Group
Join her Facebook group, check out her blog and website, and connect with other people on the path of sobriety: https://sobersenorita.com.
Recovery Is Possible
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The Latest News & Updates
Recovery is a Marathon, Not a Sprint
recovery isn’t about quick fixes or fast results. It’s a marathon, not a sprint; understanding this can make all the difference in how you approach the process. This mindset is crucial not only for individuals but also for families who are part of the journey.
Intellectual Pride: A Barrier to Wellness for Individuals and Families
Intellectual pride stems from an overreliance on one’s intellect, reasoning, or perceived knowledge. While confidence in one’s ability to solve problems can be beneficial in many aspects of life, it can be detrimental when it prevents individuals from acknowledging their limitations and seeking external support.
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