Recovery Talk
Mapping the Crisis: Geographic Trends in Charleston’s Drug-Related Deaths
By analyzing overdose data by zip code, we can identify geographic trends that help pinpoint where resources and prevention efforts are most urgently needed.
The Power of Numbers: Understanding the Trends Behind Charleston’s Drug-Related Fatalities
Through data analysis of overdose demographics, we can uncover crucial insights about the populations most at risk, informing targeted intervention strategies.
Turning Data into Action: How Drug-Related Death Statistics Shape Our Community Response
Thanks to our partnership with the Charleston County Coroner’s Office, we have access to vital statistics on drug-related death to serve as a roadmap for shaping our prevention and recovery efforts.
Announcing the Rebranding of “Living With Loss” to “Healing Hearts Gathering” at WakeUp Carolina
we are excited to announce the rebranding of our grief support group from Living With Loss to Healing Hearts. This change reflects our renewed commitment to fostering hope, optimism, and emotional well-being for individuals navigating the deep and complex emotions of grief related to the impact of substance use.
How My Substance Use Affected My Parents’ Relationship: A Journey of Strain, Conflict, and Healing
My parents have been together since they were fifteen years old. Before I started experimenting with substances, they rarely ever disagreed on anything. Once I first started to get “into trouble” for drinking or smoking pot was the first time I saw them having to try to get on the same page…
The Ripple Effect of Self-Centered Fears: From the Individual’s Point of View
By understanding the self-centered fears that drive an individual’s substance use and actions, they can take responsibility for their impact on family, and friends. Recovery isn’t just about getting the individual better; it’s about healing the relationships that have been damaged along the way.
Living in the Shadow of Opioid Use: A Sibling’s Journey Through 15 Years of Struggle, Boundaries & Hope
I have countlessly journaled my thoughts, feelings, and concerns I wish I could say aloud regarding my sibling and their substance use… always privately, never publicly.
Beyond the Parental Unit: The Ripple Effects of Substance Use on Siblings, Extended Family, and Friends
Substance use is never just an individual struggle; it reverberates through the lives of everyone close to the person affected. Siblings, extended family members, and friends, also experience significant emotional and psychological challenges.
A Father’s Journey Through His Daughter’s Substance Use: Finding Strength & Unity
As I sit down to write this, I can feel the weight of my experiences pressing against my chest. It’s a burden I’ve carried for far too long, one that has reshaped not just my relationship with my daughter but also with my other children and my wife.
Divided We Fall: How Substance Use Can Fracture Parental Unity
We’ve witnessed how a child’s substance use can drive a wedge between parents, fracturing what was once a united front. Maintaining a united front is crucial for navigating the challenges of a child’s substance use. Here are some strategies that can help.
The Hidden Wounds: Moral Injury and Its Role in PTSD and Substance Use Disorder in Veterans
For many military veterans, transitioning to civilian life presents a unique set of challenges. Among the most profound are the psychological wounds that may not be immediately visible, such as moral injury.
Two Paths, One Purpose: How National Suicide Prevention Month & Recovery Month Intersect
These two observances might seem distinct at first glance, but they are deeply intertwined, particularly when it comes to the overlapping challenges of mental health, substance use disorder (SUD), and suicide.
The Family Mirror of Substance Use
Written from the experience and observations of Rhett Crull, Certified Addiction Interventionist.
Modern Rendition of Chapter 8 – “To Wives” from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous
This is a modernized rendition of Chapter 8, originally titled “To Wives.” This version has been revised by WakeUp Carolina to include all individuals who can be impacted by a loved one’s substance use.
Serving Those Who Served
When: Every Wednesday 6 pm Where: 325 E. Main Street, Moncks Corner, SC 29461 Who Attends:...
We’re Expanding Our Substance Use Disorder Grief Support with New Location
WakeUp Carolina is proud to announce the expansion of its grief support group, Living With Loss,...
Serving Those Who Served: A Path to Hope and Recovery
Hello, I’m JR Weaver, an Army veteran who, like many others, once had big plans for life after...
WakeUp Carolina Joins Mt. Pleasant To Issue Overdose Awareness Week Proclamation
Watch news story by WCBD:
Trauma in Adolescence as it Pertains to an Individual’s Ability to Maintain Relationships in Adulthood
Researching trauma experienced during adolescence is crucial to understanding the way in which an...
#AmplifyRecovery: 10-Day Challenge for Educating & Amplifying Voices on Substance Use Impact
This 10-day challenge aims to break the stigma surrounding substance use disorder (SUD) by encouraging open conversations, sharing personal stories, and fostering a supportive community. The challenge offers two versions: one for those directly impacted by SUD and another for those less familiar with the issue.
#AmplifyRecovery: Breaking the Cycle of Judgment – You Don’t Have to Understand “Why”
This article is a heartfelt plea to those who hold such views: your judgment is not only unhelpful, but it also deepens the crisis an overwhelming majority of Americans face. It’s time to replace criticism with compassion and understanding.
News Stories
News Stories
Health experts, recovery organizations fear ‘frightening’ rise in S.C. opioid overdoses
July 30, 2020
Wakeup Carolina officials have reported that requests for their services have tripled since March.
'WakeUp Carolina' receives increase in calls for treatment during pandemic
According to Mary Catherine Manning, a recovery coach at Creighton’s House, all-recovery meetings are now virtual.
Berkeley County holds first community Narcan distribution and training session
“A lot of people don’t know what Narcan is or what it’s used for,” said Nate Lyles.